Products I love!

I was offered the opportunity to review the SodaStream Soda maker. My daughters and I were like a slapstick comedy routine trying to figure out how to put the carbonated bottle in the back of the machine but once we figured it out we were good to go. 

I found that the Sodastream is a healthy alternative to buying soda in the store, because you control the water that your soda is made from. At first, I thought the bottle that you make the soda in was quite small, but then when my children started asking for different kinds of soda, I thought, 'what a great idea, we can each have the soda we would like to have!'  If we bought soda from the store we would have to open three different bottles to make the soda each of us wanted and one of the bottles would surely go flat and I've had that happen before.  With the soda stream you are able to make enough for yourself or everyone else.  Putting the carbonate in was a bit tricky, but once you get the hang of it, making your very own soda is quite easy.  I really liked that there were a great deal of choices other than their numerous types of soda like Black Currant and Pear, diet soda, sparkling water, Energy Drink Syrup, and flavored waters.
Here is what else I love about the Sodastream:
  • No carrying those heavy bottles into the house, and having my bags rip, lol. 
  • No more soda going flat because I control how much soda I want to make.
  • No need to recycle because I am using the same bottle each time! :) 
  • I love being able to make as many different types of drinks as I want to make no matter when I want to make them.
  •  There isn't any HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP!!! I switched my kids to 100% juice only after I learned what high fructose corn syrup was years ago, and yes, I do let them have the occasional soda, but now with the Soda stream, I am not worried about that anymore!

My personal favorite is gingerale and the girls loved root beer.

One of the things that I think could be improved is the directions on the hangtag. I would recommend that the Sodastream personnel add how to put the carbonate (gas) inside the back of the machine, that would be extremely helpful because the instruction manual really doesn't explain it very well! My 8 year old finally helped me figure it out. :) Another thing that isn't very clear to me is how long the carbonate (gas) actually lasts. How will I know when it runs out? Will it just not fizz any longer when I press the button? I also do not recommend pressing the fizz button only four times! When we followed the recommendation the soda was a bit flat to me, so for our taste we prefer to press the fizz button six times. We also didn't hear a "loud buzz" as described in the directions it was more like a swishing sound!

Some of my Facebook subscribers were concerned about the price of the syrup mix, so for those of you with a concern I am offering the following suggestions. I know for a fact that you can find the products at Target and also at Bed, Bath, and Beyond. I will more than likely get my refill products from BBandB because they are constantly sending out those coupons for $5 off $15 or 20% off coups that never expire and you could catch some really good deals that way. There is always the sodastream website and there are great specials that can be found on their site too.

I really love this product!! This product gets our highest rating 5 coupons way up!!! :)  I really appreciate the opportunity to review the product and remember, at REAL People Love Coupons, you will only get honest reviews about products I actually use or we use a family.